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When Lobbying was Illegal

When Lobbying was Illegal

If lobbying were illegal, it would be nice. It’s a tempting thought, but it seems impossible to criminalize lobbying. This multi-billion-dollar industry is widely accepted in American politics, and courts have generally ruled that it is protected speech. The...
Qualifications for Being a Lobbyist

Qualifications for Being a Lobbyist

The job of a registered lobbyist can be fascinating for anyone with good business and soft-person skills. This position requires being able to negotiate and persuade in equal measure. A person who wants to be a successful lobbyist usually works for a single...
Military Decorations and their Significance

Military Decorations and their Significance

All branches of the U.S. military award medals for distinguished actions, both in war and in peacetime. Some medals are awarded for valor on the battlefield. Others, such as the Soldier’s Medal, are awarded for heroic efforts that aren’t related to combat....